Dutch name: Koninklijke Militaire School
MRG keyword : Remote sensing
Address: Hobbemastraat 8
1000 Brussel Belgium
| | Tel.: +32-(0)2-742 62 11
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Type: Education
Abstract: |
The Royal Military Academy (RMA) is a military institution of university education responsible for the basic academic, military and physical training of future officers, and for the continuing advanced training of officers during their active career in the Defence department.
RMA also conducts scientific research at university level for projects funded by the Belgian Defense or external funding agencies at regional, federal or European level. Although research topics are mainly aimed at solving military problems, RMA also participates to and coordinates research projects focused on civilian applications, mostly within the security/safety domain in a broad sense. Research is conducted in collaboration with other reserach institues, universities, industry and other Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). Academic departments, present at RMA, are (i) Communication, information, systems and sensors; (ii) Economy, management and leadership; (iii) Physics; (iv) Life; (v) Mechanics; (vi) Mathematics; (vii) Behavioral sciences; (viii) Chemistry; (ix) Conflict studies; (x) Weapon systems and ballistics. Finally, in a much broader sense, strategic issues such as energy independence and economical impact are also actively investigated.
The marine research topics are situated in the field of remote sensing in the broad sense. Research is conducted in the field of mine counter measures, for instance to increase the performance of existing sonars and gradiometers and evaluating the impact of the environment on their performance. Other research projects relate to maritime situational awareness, involving different sensors, such as EO cameras and LiDAR, mounted in diferent (un)manned vehicles. It inter alia also concers research on air- and space-borne sensors such as scatterometers which are radar instruments, measuring the wind speed and direction above water surfaces. |
Publications (2) |
Top | Project |
( 1 peer reviewed ) split up filter
- Shimoni, M.; Acheroy, M. (2006). Imaging spectroscopy for coastal biogeochemistry of estuaries and plumes, in: Bostater, C.R. et al. (Ed.) Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2006. Stockholm, Sweden, September 11-13, 2006. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 6360: pp. U46-U55. https://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.689992, more
- Laurent, E.; Mathieux, A.; Bras, R.; Vertommen, J.; De Smedt, P. (1971). Mineralogische studie van de aanslibbing in de Schelde: rapport nr. 1. Opzoekingen gedaan in het kader van de studie van de herkomst van de slibben van de Schelde onder de leiding van het Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium, Borgerhout = Etude mineralogique de l'envasement de l'Escaut: rapport no 1. Recherche effectuée dans le cadre de l'étude de l'envasement de l'Escaut sous la direction du Laboratoire de Recherches Hydrauliques, Borgerhout. Koninklijke Militaire School. Laboratorium van Aardkunde = Ecole royale Militaire. Laboratoire de Géologie: Brussel. 56 + tab. pp., more
Project |
Top | Publications |
- SCHELDT: Airborne hyperspectral potential for coastal biogeochemistry of the Scheldt Estuary and plume, more