Melita nitida Smith, 1873
Description Benthic amphipod, taken with Leica DFC 490 camera mounted on a Leica M205C binocular microscope. This is an invasive species in Europe, originally originating from America. The species can be distinguished from other local Melitidae species by the absence of dorsal teeth on pleosomites and urosomites, an accesory flagellum with at least two segments and a group of dorso lateral spines on either side of urosome 2. Collected in 2011 near the Bend of Bath on the Western Scheldt.
Length = ~4 mm
Focus stack of 34 pictures.
Date: 13 April 2012
Author Hillewaert, Hans
JPG file - 140.12 kB - 800 x 600 pixels
added on 2012-04-162 037 viewsScheldt species taxa Melita nitida S.I. Smith in Verrill & Smith, 1874checked Krapp-Schickel, Traudl 2014-02-28